Weemagine Storytellers

Do you live in the D.C. or Baltimore Metropolitan Area and have a child who loves to write?  Our Editor-in-Chief and acclaimed author and essayist Faye McCray teaches workshops for young storytellers in and around Maryland. A writer since just 6 years old, Faye firmly believes in fostering creativity in children and young adults.


From Faye: Writing, whether fiction or non-fiction, is a reflective practice. It often involves unplugging from the outside world and connecting within.  In a workshop setting, it also involves connecting with others. The act of writing encourages kids to reflect on their actions and how those actions may impact other people – to figuratively walk in the shoes of other humans. This reflection often involves contemplating the motivations and feelings of others which naturally develops empathy and boosts emotional intelligence (the ability to read emotions in yourself and others).  The ability to communicate creatively is an important skill in any profession.  Success necessarily involves the ability to think for alternative solutions to unique problems. Nurturing an imaginative spirit can benefit children and young adults as they enter the working world.  

Learn more about Faye and her workshops, appearances and private mentoring HERE





For more information, contact Faye at write@weemagine.com.