20 Affirmations for Expectant Mothers

There are so many beautiful things about pregnancy. Your child will never be closer to you and that fact can bring you peace. However, it’s easy to get lost in worry and “what ifs” if you allow yourself to give in to all that can go wrong. Here are twenty affirmations to repeat if you find yourself overwhelmed with doubt.

There are so many beautiful things about pregnancy. Your child will never be closer to you and that fact can bring you peace. However, it’s easy to get lost in worry and “what ifs” if you allow yourself to give in to all that can go wrong. Here are twenty affirmations to repeat if you find yourself overwhelmed with doubt.

Dads, feel free to say them with your partners.


  1. I am beautiful

  2. I am safe.

  3. I am protected.

  4. I am strong.

  5. I am worthy.

  6. I am intuitive.

  7. I am able.

  8. I am growing.

  9. I am confident.

  10. I am vulnerable.

  11. I am grateful.

  12. I am happy.

  13. I am healthy.

  14. I am powerful.

  15. I am peaceful.

  16. I am rested.

  17. I am responsible.

  18. I am hydrated.

  19. I am capable of love.

  20. I am loved.


    About The Author

    Faye McCray is anMcCray_AuthorPhoto (1) attorney by day and writer all the time. Her work has been featured on My Brown Baby, AfroPunk, AfroNews, For HarrietMadame NoireBlack Girl NerdsBlack and Married with Kids, and other popular publications.  Faye also has a number of short stories and a full length novel available for purchase on Amazon.  Most importantly, Faye is a proud wife and mother to three beautiful and talented young boys who she is fiercely passionate about raising. You can find Faye on Twitter @fayewrites and on the web at fayemccray.com.

Be Good to Your Daughters

While the myth of the absent black father has been debunked again and again, it doesn’t negate the reality that some dads could be doing much better by their daughters.

In 2003, recording artist John Mayer won the Grammy Award for Song of the Year for his song “Daughters.”  In it, Mayer paints a somber picture of girls with father issues navigating relationships as adults. He warns, “on behalf of every man, looking out for every girl, you are the God and weight of her world… so fathers, be good to your daughters.”  At the time, there were few things that annoyed me more than John Mayer (he was EVERYWHERE) but it was impossible to deny the truth in the song.  This year, Kelly Clarkson brought millions of people (including herself… and me) to tears when singing an acoustic version of her song, “Piece by Piece,” an emotional song reflecting on her disappointment with her own father.

I was reminded of these songs last night when I caught the tail end of Iyanla Vanzant’s reality show, Fix My Life.  The show focused on rehabilitating the so-called “Angry Black Woman.”  While the episode was everything you would expect, one theme rang true, so many of the women who were featured had issues that began with disappointment  in their fathers.

While the myth of the absent black father has been debunked again and again, it doesn’t negate the reality that some dads could be doing much better by their daughters.  My parents divorced when I was six and while my father was always present, it was impossible to ignore the void his physical absence left me with.  Luckily, I had two brothers, ten and twelve years older than me, who stepped up in ways he could not.  As I grew into a young lady and chose my spouse, here are some of things being loved by them taught me I needed.

My brothers and I at my wedding in 2006. (c) Faye McCray

1. Be honest.

One of the more priceless lessons my eldest brother taught me was to recognize the humanity in the adults in my life.  It may seem like a simple lesson but when you’re a child, you tend to see your parents and other adults in your life as superhuman.  I think thats why it is so difficult to recover from childhood disappointment.  My brother was careful to dismantle the pedestal I put the adults in my life on… even him.  That way when they disappointed me, it didn’t crush me.

One of the most important things you can do for your daughter is be honest.  Don’t attempt to be superhuman by hiding your flaws or masking your vulnerability.  Admit when you made a mistake.  Admit when you lied. Tell her the truth even if it may hurt her.  Your honesty will help your daughter see you as a whole person.  That way when you disappoint her, and you will, she will recognize your humanity and not just see you as a liar.

2. Stand by your word.

My kids are constantly begging for things.  “Mommy, can we go here…” “Mommy, can we do this…”  Sometimes its easier to say, “Later” than “No” even if I know that saying “No” is inevitable.  The thing is, if you are constantly promising one thing and doing another, it won’t be long before your words means nothing.

In the words of Melania Trump… or First Lady Michelle Obama, “Your word is your bond.” If you say your going to be there, be there. If you say you are going to do something, do it.  If you aren’t sure you will be able to do either of those things, be honest about it.  Nothing stings worst to a young woman than disappointment.  You want your daughter to be able to rely on you and expect the same from the man she may choose to be with.

3. Tell her she is beautiful.

I had my fair share of awkward phases during adolescence.  I had a gangly rail-thin phase, a pimply phase, and a phase where my belly always poked out from under my shirt, no matter how hard I tried to suck it in.  Like most girls, it wasn’t always easy feeling secure in my body.  Some days, it felt like I would never learn to love myself, let alone find someone to love me.

Young girls are fragile. Especially girls of color.  Growing up, we are hard pressed to find images of ourself where we are symbols of beauty or the object of someone’s affection.  As a father, you have a unique ability to make your daughter feel beautiful.  You are your daughters first representative of the opposite sex.  Tell her you enjoy her smile, that the new color she painted her toes is cute, that she looks even more beautiful after browning in the sun. Feeling beautiful in your Dad’s eyes, even if just his, can make all the difference in how you cope with the many phases of adolescent insecurity.


4. Don’t hit her.

This is pretty self explanatory, though, I know it may be controversial.  However, as a society that condemns all forms of domestic violence, I think it’s important to teach our daughters early that a man should never lay his hands on her in anger.  By saying it’s okay for fathers to hit their daughters in certain circumstances, I think we dangerously blur the line about whether it’s okay for a man to hit a woman.  If you tell your daughter no man is allowed to put his hands on her, show her you mean it by doing the same.

5. Treat other women the way you want to see men treat her.  Especially her mother.

Whether you are married, divorced or single, your daughter will see the way you treat the women in your life as an indication of how she should expect men to treat her.  If you are constantly disrespecting women, bad-mouthing her mother or womanizing, if will be difficult for her to build a foundation of trust with a man in the future because she will constantly worry he will turn into you; or worse, she will expect him to.  It’s hard enough navigating adulthood without entering it with trust issues.

If you can’t curb your womanizing ways, avoid exposing your daughter to your behavior.  Don’t bring multiple women around her.  Where possible, avoid bad-mouthing her mother in her presence.  Save your complaints for another adult.  Your daughter (or any child) is never an appropriate audience for this kind of behavior.

6. Enjoy her company.

My eldest brother used to pick me up from elementary school so we could ride the city bus home from school.  It was in the age of Kangols and boomboxes, and he would insist on sitting in the back of the bus with music blasting. Despite his efforts to be cool, little me didn’t get the memo. I would dance and act silly until it broke his facade and he was laughing right along with me.  I was too young to remember every detail of those moments, but what I do remember is how good it felt that my company was enjoyed.  As I grew older, I was confident that other people would enjoy my company too.  Even if I was a little weird.

With your own daughter, laugh at her jokes. Find joy in the things she does.  If your time with her is limited, find things to do that keep you two engaged. Don’t just plop her in front of a television or a movie and babysit her, spend actual time with her.  Find things to do together that allow you the opportunity to get to know who she is.  That will give her more confidence that she is someone worth getting to know.

7. Tell her you love her.

My nineties kids will likely remember that old Brownstone song, “If You Love Me.”  The chorus begins, “If you love me, say it.” While the song is about romantic love, that line always stuck with me. I think it stuck with me because saying I love you has never been easy for me to say unless I mean it.  My husband, then-boyfriend, was the first to say I love you.  To this day, we laugh at the memory because initially, I didn’t say it back, and his response was, “You know you love me too.”  While he was probably right, the words meant a lot to me.  I didn’t want to say it until I was sure I meant it.  Today, he couldn’t stop me from saying it if he tried.

Just as much as saying the words matter, hearing them matter too.  While arguably, showing you love someone is better, you can do both.  Tell your daughter you love her so she never has a reason to question whether you do.  If you can’t muster saying the words, write them.  Those three words are too important to be left untold.

8. Don’t walk away.

No matter how hard things get with her mother or how difficult her teenage years are on you, never walk away from your daughter.  Fight to stay present and in her life.  Even if the complexities of teen angst stop her from wanting to talk to you or make her hard to be around, never stop trying.  Love her unconditionally.  Show her she is worthy of unconditional love.


About The Author

Faye McCray is anMcCray_AuthorPhoto (1) attorney by day and writer all the time. Her work has been featured on My Brown Baby, AfroPunk, AfroNews, For HarrietMadame NoireBlack Girl NerdsBlack and Married with Kids, and other popular publications.  Faye also has a number of short stories and a full length novel available for purchase on Amazon.  Most importantly, Faye is a proud wife and mother to three beautiful and talented young boys who she is fiercely passionate about raising. You can find Faye on Twitter @fayewrites and on the web at fayemccray.com.

5 Things You Can Give Your Kids (Besides Money) To Show You Love Them

As good parents we are constantly evaluating how our children are doing and how our parenting is helping to provide a supportive environment that lets our kids grow. It’s easy to feel inadequate. Here are 5 things I’ve learned can show my love when I feel like I am falling short.

by Rick McCray

Being a parent is hard.  One moment you think you are doing everything correctly and the next minute you feel like an unfair dictator.  As good parents we are constantly evaluating how our children are doing and how our parenting is helping to provide a supportive environment that lets our kids grow.  It’s easy to feel inadequate. Here are 5 things I’ve learned can show my love when I feel like I am falling short.

1. Wisdom

My mother has wonderful stories.  My favorite times growing up were sitting with her and my sister at the kitchen table while she told a story from her past.  I learned that she and one of her brothers would go to the woods in her hometown in North Carolina and pretend to be Tarzan by swinging on actual vines, running around, and yelling as loud as they could.  I learned that pigs actually bark similarly to dogs and female pigs are so protective of their babies that they become violent to anyone that comes near them.  I learned that my grandmother began to cook for her whole family at 4 years old and that sense of responsibility was taught to my mother and her six siblings.  Through telling stories about her life, my mother was teaching me that my young life was somehow connected to a rich history of wonderful people.

“Our lived experience can serve as a constant fountain of knowledge for our children.”

Our lived experience can serve as a constant fountain of knowledge for our children.  The trick is knowing how to share our lived experience with our children in a helpful manner that keeps them listening without feeling talked down to.  Sharing what we know allows our children another viewpoint to consider when they are called upon to make important life choices.  At some point every child must walk alone. However, during that walk we can help our children take all their experiences with them, whether lived or learned from others.

2. Honesty

My father, who passed away this year, was brutally honest.  He would give me his thoughts on any subject whether I wanted them or not.  Sometimes, I would seek out his advice because I knew he would tell me the truth as he saw it.  When I was about ten I could not shake the feeling that something was wrong with the whole Santa Claus scenario.  All the shows I watched and pictures I saw made him out to be this huge fat man who came into houses through chimneys.  It just didn’t add up that a fat guy could come down our chimney on Christmas Eve without any of us hearing him.

I decided to ask my father because I knew he would tell me the truth.  I approached him and asked, “Is Santa Claus real?”  He looked at me with a puzzled look and almost laughed, “No, your mother and I get you that stuff.”  I was so relieved that I knew the truth and could stop being paranoid about Santa sneaking into our home.

Being honest with our children about life is a gift that will continually bless them.  When a child knows that he can ask us a question and get a truthful answer, that means the level of trust we share grows immensely.  He is more likely to be honest with us if he knows that we value and practice dealing in truth.  Dishonesty is a trait we see from too many of our politicians, religious and business leaders.  A child is more likely to come to us for advice or at least a different take on a situation when he knows we won’t have a hidden agenda to bend the truth.  Honesty from a parent gives a child another source of reliable information in their life.

3. Vulnerability

When I was about eleven, my paternal grandfather passed away.  My family went to Philadelphia for his funeral.  After the funeral we were all in a hotel room together when my father started crying.  He was laying on the bed and I was beside him and he gave me a big hug and cried.  I remember laying on his chest with his arm around me and feeling safe and loved.  I knew he was going through terrible pain about the death of his dad, but as his son, I was just happy to be close to him like that – no matter the circumstance.

“When we stand on a pedestal of constant perfection, it only gives us a longer way to fall.”

Often, we want our kids to see us as superheroes.  However, the really good superhero stories involve the hero showing his humanity and vulnerability.  When our children see us show real emotion and show that we also need people, it allows them to see us as people.  No one is perfect. When we stand on a pedestal of constant perfection, it only gives us a longer way to fall.  In addition, if our children think of us as an impossible standard to live up to, that can lead to feelings of guilt and inadequacy in them. Don’t be afraid to be human.

4. Quality Time

When I was in high school, I practiced debate.  My team would travel around North Carolina competing at different high schools.  During one trip my mother agreed to be a judge for “Dramatic Interpretation,” which was a debate competition where students would act out a portion from a contemporary or older dramatic play or book.  This wasn’t a category of debate that I participated in, so I was able to sneak in when I wasn’t competing and watch my mother judge other competitors.  There were people who were sad, angry, hilarious, and intense.  Everyone brought their “A” game, and they all seemed like actual actors who could be on television or the big screen.  My mother loved it and talked about her volunteer day for years afterwards.  I loved it because I got to see my mother take a genuine interest in something I loved.

Time is the one thing that we can never replenish.  Spending quality time with our children – listening to them, playing with them, and going on adventures with them by our side are some of the most fulfilling things we will do as a parents.  Think about the people you loved that you have lost in your life.  All you have left of them is your memories together.  Each day that goes by without them makes those memories sweeter and more important.  Personally, I want to spend as much time as I can with my children so when I’m gone they have a massive bank of positivity to pull from when remembering me.

5. Patience

My sons take their time when they eat.  My oldest son will eat his food, tiny bite by tiny bite, while picking at every crumb on his plate.  He will have 1/10th of a sandwich left and will nibble and nibble at it until it is finally gone.  My youngest son likes to talk and eat, so he will tell me about a story of some kid in his class, take a bite, then tell me about a cartoon he was watching.  He may even mix in a few hummed bars from a song he heard.  A breakfast that should have taken 15 minutes, ends up taking closer to 45 minutes. During morning walks to school, my oldest picks up every acorn.  My youngest has to say hello to every bug.  Cute as it is, when we are rushing, this can try every fiber of my patience.  

“We must respect our children as new soul travelers on this planet who need to take their time with everything that is exciting and new.”

Our children test our patience every day.  Yet patience is what children need almost more than anything else.  When my patience is tried, I remind myself that my children are younger than me by a multiple.  They are learning this big, new world one morsel at a time. We must respect our children as new soul travelers on this planet who need to take their time with everything that is exciting and new.  Be patient, be patient, be patient (I’m saying it to remind myself as well).  If necessary, allow yourself the extra time to accomplish errands or get to school/work.  They have all of adulthood to rush.


About The Author

Rick McCray is a maRAMrried father of three amazing sons. He is also a proud graduate of Duke University where he holds a BA in History and African/African American History, and Howard University School of Law. He is a regular commentator on the In The Black podcast.  Rick is passionate about our history and helping to educate our community concerning the great contributions of people of color to the world. You can find Rick on Twitter @RealRickMcCray.

For Dads: How to Get More Involved With Your Children

Here are a few great tips on getting more involved in your children’s lives.

by Rick McCray

As men, too often we allow the women in our lives to take care of the details of home life including almost everything that has to do with the children.  This attitude can be burdensome to your wives, and it also impedes your ability to create meaningful relationships with your children. FEAR NOT!  Here are a few great tips on getting more involved in your children’s lives.

1. Play with your children.

Personally, when I get in from work, my mind is still racing with the events of the day. I also run my own business so as soon as I walk in the door, I start planning all the things I still need to do.  It’s often challenging to slow myself down enough to engage with my children. However, as soon as I get home, they are the first to greet me and playing is the first thing they want to do.

In television mogul Shonda Rhimes‘s 2016 Ted Talk, she related a story of feeling stressed and pressed for time when one of her daughters asked her to play.  Although everything in her screamed “No,” she challenged herself to say “Yes” instead.  Albeit challenging at first, while playing with her daughter, she was surprised at how much fun she had.  She learned to relax, listen and be engaged.   She was also surprised to find how play time focused her own mind.  I find the same to be true.  Play time with my children challenges me to slow down.  It also encourages my children’s creativity and strengthens our relationship with each other.

2. Include your child in your hobbies.

I admit that I am not “Mr. Handyman.” However, I have a neighbor who I am convinced could build a car from scratch.  Every weekend, he is under the hood of a car turning a seeming hunk of junk into a functioning automobile.  He also does the most amazing thing at least once a month.  He is out there with one of his kids showing them exactly what he is doing, letting them work on a certain part of the car, and most importantly bonding with them. 

Although I am not a car guy, what I learned from him is to share my hobbies with my kids.  Your kids (especially if they are older) may not show interest in your hobby, but they will appreciate the fact that you are doing something you love with them.  Instead of secluding yourself from the family every time you want to play your music, you can let your kids listen in on your jam sessions.  If you were raised in the nineties like me, you can even show them the real running man! Even if they are laughing at you, it’s still time you will both remember.

The only caveat is to remain engaged with your child while you enjoy your hobby.  Turning on a football game and demanding quiet is not a way to really bond with your child.  Talk to your kid about the teams, the players, and the rules of the game, and listen to their thoughts.  Allow them to feel like you are enjoying them as much as your hobby.

3. Get Involved in your child’s school.

Although I work full time outside of my home, I try to take advantage of volunteer opportunities wherever possible. Whether it be volunteering to chaperone a class trip, allowing myself the extra time to walk my children to school on a nice day, or popping by my son’s kindergarten class for lunch, I find my sons’ (and their teachers) appreciate my time at their schools.  I also coordinate the WATCH D.O.G.S. (Dads of Great Students) program for my sons’ elementary school.  The program, started by the National Center for Fathering, is a way for men to have an impact at their child’s school by volunteering one day out of the academic year.  These men are fathers, stepfathers, uncles and other father figures who volunteer and serve a variety of functions while at the school, including, being engaged in every aspect of your child’s academic day. I find reserving one day a year to commit to volunteering at your child’s school is rarely burdensome, even in the most demanding jobs. If you don’t have a WATCH D.O.G.S. program at your school and you are interested please contact the organization here.

4. Read with your children.

LeVar Burton, the famous actor and host of Reading Rainbow, once said that, “I think reading is part of the birthright of the human being.”  The importance of literacy and exposing children to language and the written word cannot be overstated.  By reading with your children you expose them to a world of literacy that will last for them until their last days.  When you point out context clues about the reading and get them to name the colors they see in the picture, you keep them engaged in the book as active listeners/readers.  

The more you read with your kids the more they will love to read.  Find out what your kids enjoy to read and read it with them.  If you can’t physically read with them, then agree to read the same book separately and then discuss it with them the next time you see them or talk with them.  This way you and your child can stay connected and you can know you are benefitting your child’s education.

5. Spend one on one time with your children.

I have two sons (and one on the way).  Every other Saturday, we have “man-time”(so named by my wife).  What started off as our biweekly trips to the barbershop, turned into haircuts, lunch and shooting hoops at our local Y. I have to admit, I was anxious initially. Like most children their age, my boys are insane. Often it takes both my wife and I to reign them.  However, as they have gotten older, I have found we all enjoy the time.  We eat foods my wife doesn’t like, talk about “man things”, and spend quality time that is uniquely ours.  I know I am building a foundation that will encourage a strong relationship through adulthood.

If you don’t have sons, don’t underestimate one on one time with your daughters.  Do things she enjoys and listen to her.  That time will set the foundation for how she expects a man to treat her.


About The Author

Rick McCray is a maRAMrried father of three amazing sons. He is also a proud graduate of Duke University where he holds a BA in History and African/African American History, and Howard University School of Law. He is a regular commentator on the In The Black podcast.  Rick is passionate about our history and helping to educate our community concerning the great contributions of people of color to the world. You can find Rick on Twitter @RealRickMcCray.